President’s Message,  January 2022
Fresh Starts & Giving To Others

Dear Members,

Happy New Year! It’s a glorious time of year and after so much rain, there are so many flowers and fresh greenery and blue, blue skies. Let us not forget, snow covered mountains. We live in an amazing place.

President’s Message,  January 2022Mornings are brisk for walks with Tripp, and some of the trees think it is fall with amazing shows of color. Here’s a photo of Tripp with his favorite Christmas gift.

I hope your holidays were happy and safe. Most of all, I hope that everyone stayed well. The omicron variant is causing fresh worry and mandates. Our club will follow current state and local mandates, that masks will always be required inside our meeting room. Masks will be available if you forget yours. We recommend wearing a mask outside as well and social distancing too. We will continue to space the chairs 6 feet apart.

President’s Message,  January 2022It’s a good time to check your garden for snails to make sure they are not taking over. I found several wet spots and plants that needed to be moved to higher ground. The tillandsias are thrilled with all the moisture. Make sure yours are outdoor to take advantage of the moisture. Meanwhile, here’s a crown of thorns that couldn’t be happier.

I am excited to continue our meetings in person. Please be safe and take good care and we’ll see you soon.

Best regards,

Laguna Food Pantry says a BIG THANK YOU!

It took three volunteers, three carts, and a dozen bins to carry all the food contributed by you — the generous members of the Laguna Beach Garden Club. All told there was 387 pounds of food for our less fortunate neighbors in Laguna Beach. It made my heart happy, and I know it makes yours happy too!!!!

President’s Message,  January 2022