The Laguna Beach Garden Club and the Laguna Beach Sister Cities Association collaborated in the recognition of Reginald (Reggie) Christian, a Laguna Beach Parks Gardener of Heisler Park, for his outstanding service to the Sister Cities Gardens in Heisler Park.   Our club works together with the Laguna Beach Sister Cities group maintaining the three Sister City gardens at Heisler Park (Jasmine and Cliff Drive). They are Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Mentón, France; and St.Ives, England. The gardens were planted in 2015 to capture the flavor and feel of each city/region.

At the City Council meeting, several members of each organization met to thank Reggie for his outstanding service to the Sister Cities Gardens.  Reggie has assisted us every step of the way.  He Has been phenomenal in his assuring that the team has supplies, assisting with needed repairs and adjustments of water sprinklers, and often helping with planting relocating plants.   At the meeting from the Laguna Beach Garden Club was Nancy Englund, Kathleen Kane, Marilyn Ghere, and Sandy Smith.